How to Unlock Orion Camo in Modern Warfare 2

Weapon Camouflage, or Camo, is a colored pattern that is applied to weapons.

This will allow your weapons to blend into environments or display your achievements.

In some Call of Duty games, camouflages are unlocked by headshots.

In Call of Duty: Black Ops, they can be bought for 250 points each.

However, Gold Camouflage costs 50,000 points and it’s available after you’ve prestiged 14 times.

In MW2, camo can be unlocked by completing challenges like headshots, one-shots, or aircraft destruction.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to unlock the Orion Camo (hardest camo) in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (MW2).

What is the Orion Camo in MW2?

The Orion Camo in MW2 is a mixture of purple and blue colors.

It resembles deep space or a nebula—which looks great on any weapon.

It is the hardest camo to unlock in the game, in front of Polyatomic Camos.

The first person to unlock the Orion Camo is @realskullface49 on Twitter.

He unlocked it just 10 days after the release of MW2.

How to unlock Orion Camo in Modern Warfare 2

To unlock the Orion Camo in Modern Warfare 2, you need to unlock the Polyatomic Camo for a minimum of 51 weapons.

The Orion Camo is also granted on every weapon that earned the Orion Camo past its minimum requirement.

Here is the full process to unlock it:

  • The Gold Camo Challenge for each weapon is available once all of its Base Camo Challenges are completed.
  • The Platinum Camo Challenge for each weapon is available once the Gold Camo is unlocked across a minimum number of weapons in each category.
  • The Polyatomic Camo Challenge for each weapon is available once the Platinum Camo is unlocked across a minimum of 51 weapons.
  • The Orion Camo is a reward for unlocking the Polyatomic Camo across a minimum of 51 weapons.

Let’s say that you want to unlock the Gold Camo Challenge for the M4.

To do so, you need to complete all 4 of its Base Camo Challenges.

This includes getting x eliminations, x eliminations without reloading, x double eliminations, and x triple eliminations.

After you’ve unlocked the Gold Camo Challenges, you need to unlock the Platinum and Polyatomic Camo Challenges respectively.

The Orion Camo is unlocked after you’ve unlocked the Polyatomic Camo for 51 weapons.

Further reading

How to Unlock Camos in Modern Warfare 2

How to Unlock Minibak in Modern Warfare 2

How to Unlock SP-X 80 in Modern Warfare 2

The post How to Unlock Orion Camo in Modern Warfare 2 appeared first on Followchain.

* This article was originally published here
