Five Mario Games That Deserve More Love
By Patrick Hickey Jr.
Mario Bros games have a long and seminal history in gaming. And for great reason. They move the needle. But in spite of all the hits and a few misses, are plenty of Mario games that never quite got the love they deserve.
In this exclusive Old School Gamer Magazine list, we share five Mario games that deserve far more love than they currently get.
Super Mario Land: Although a million-seller on the Game Boy- its sequel has gotten far more admiration from fanboys.
Super Mario Strikers: The GameCube lacked killer sports games, but this was a fun one that can still stand firmly today.
Mario Clash: Ah, the forgotten Virtual Boy classic. If you can find it- play it.
Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Easily one of the best games on the Game Boy Advance.
Mario Bros: The original! It’s even on the Atari 2600!
The post Five Mario Games That Deserve More Love first appeared on Old School Gamer Magazine.
* This article was originally published here
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