Where to find guests and exhibitors at the Nottingham Comic Convention

Where to find guests and exhibitors at the Nottingham Comic
The table plan for the Nottingham Comic Convention has just been released. You'll find my table L23 at the Lower Level 00, between my pals Marc Jackson and The77 Publications.

The event takes place next Saturday (29th October) at the Nottingham Conference Centre. You can check out the convention website for all the info and ticket details...


The show will be on two levels, with other guests and exhibitors on Upper Level 01. 

From past experience of some other conventions, some attendees don't always realise there are more than one room to events but hopefully this one will be well signposted within the halls.

I'll be doing sketches on request, selling my comics, and signing comics if you wish. This is my last show for 2022 and I have nothing else scheduled for months so it'll be good to see you there!





* This article was originally published here


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