Getting People's Names

One of the main reasons why we cannot remember people's names is because we never get the name in the first place. This can be caused by a variety of factors. Maybe you never exchanged names, maybe the person mumbled their name, or maybe you were in an environment where it was difficult to hear. Whatever the reason, it is clear that you will never remember someone's name if you never got it in the first place.

If you didn't get the name because it was spoken too quickly, quietly, or incoherently, do not let it slide. Ask the person or the introducer to repeat the name so you can hear it. Then be sure that you repeat their name as well. Don't be nervous about mispronouncing a complicated name. The other person will be happy to help you say it (people like their own names and like to hear people use them). This will guarantee that you get their name correct and will reinforce it in your memory.

After you have gotten the name, you should try to repeat their name throughout the conversation. This will focus your attention on the name, which will make you remember better. If you can, you may also want to write their name down so you can see it as well as hear it. This will also give you a way to review their name at a later time.
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* This article was originally published here
