Mononeko: Tambourine Tinkerer, a brand new rhythm action game from ex-Sqaure Enix and ex-Playstation developers, shows off its first trailer

Mononeko: Tambourine Tinkerer, a brand new rhythm action
game from ex-Sqaure Enix and ex-Playstation developers, shows off
its first trailer
In a very welcome surprise, a new indie company named Ribeye Games has announced its latest project; a mobile rhythm game called Mononeko. While the game itself looks fantastic, the real kicker here is that Ribeye is made up of former Playstation and Square Enix developers! A true match made in heaven for just about any type of gamer. Let’s get the most obvious thing out of the way first; Mononeko is very, very clearly inspired by a certain other old Playstation rhythm game that drew a ton of praise. Patapon was a series that mostly ran through its lifespan on the Playstation Portable as well as the Playstation Vita, though HD remakes of both the original and the sequel are available on the Playstation store. ... [MORE]

* This article was originally published here


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