Stryfe Leads an X-Men 60th Anniversary Figure 5-Pack

Stryfe Leads an X-Men 60th Anniversary Figure 5-PackStryfe Leads an X-Men 60th Anniversary Figure 5-PackStryfe Leads an X-Men 60th Anniversary Figure 5-Pack

Stryfe, one of Rob Liefeld’s major ’90s X-Men villains, has been a notable omission from Hasbro‘s modern Marvel Legends line, but that ends now. Cable’s bitter, unstable clone in the nipply Joel Schumacher-esque armor finally hits the line in a five-pack available at online retailers now. With him in the set, fans will also get Random, Zero, Vertigo, and Pretty Boy. Some new sculpts, some old, and an exceptionally cool Stryfe make this X-Men 60th anniversary 5-pack a multipack not to miss.

RELATED: Hasbro 10-27-22 Livestream: Star Wars, Marvel, and G.I. Joe

Random previously appeared in the old Toy Biz line, and finally gets his due too. Pretty Boy includes a smoking gun and elaborate mechanical body sculpt, while Zero packs in a repaint of the deluxe Doctor Strange dimensional portal.

The price tag on the set runs at $124.99 most places. Our affiliate partners at Entertainment Earth already started preorders, with fulfillment due in June. (Superhero Hype may earn fees from purchases made through Entertainment Earth links.) Take a look at individual images of the figures in our gallery below. Along with a  look at the box art.

Does this X-Men 60th anniversary 6-pack float your boat? Will purchasing it lead to strife, or Stryfe? Let us know in comments.

Recommended Reading: Previously on X-Men: The Making of an Animated Series

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* This article was originally published here
