Random: Elden Ring Mod Brings Pokémon Scarlet And Violet To The Lands Between

Random: Elden Ring Mod Brings Pokémon Scarlet And Violet To
The Lands Between

Tarnished, I choose you!

When Nintendo and Game Freak announced that Pokémon Scarlet and Violet would feature the franchise's first fully open world, fans understandably had many questions: just how open are we talking? See that mountain? Can I go to it?

The finished article undoubtedly delivered on Nintendo's promise, even if it demonstrated a few rough edges in the process. The world of Paldea was truly your oyster, and for the first time in Pokémon's 25 year history, you could go wherever you wanted right from the start, skill level be damned.

Read the full article on nintendolife.com

* This article was originally published here


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