A Challenging Raven’s Matrices

Which of the 8 options best fits as the missing tile?
Scroll down for a clue and further down for the answer.
Clue: Think of the tiles as going from left to right across all 9 tiles. This means that tile 3 is connected to tile 4 and tile 6 is connected to tile 7.
Scroll down for the answer.
Answer: Tile 5.
Think of the tiles as going from left to right across all 9 tiles. This means that tile 3 is connected to tile 4 and tile 6 is connected to tile 7. Using this process, the pattern on the tiles connects to make one long shape. The right side of the 8th tile has the two lines leaving the tile at the top-right corner and 80% down the right side of the tile. Tile 5 is the only option that would connect to these two lines. The image below shows the completed pattern, when all 9 tiles are laid out and connected:

* This article was originally published here
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