Trust me: you do not want to go down this road with me
- Every cell has a digit from 0 to 9 or one of the four operation symbols +, −, ×, and /, signifying addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division respectively.
- No digit appears more than once in a row. No digit appears more than once in a column.
- Reading across each row, with adjacent digits concatenated into a multidigit number, the arithmetic expression yields 24.
- No + or 0 is superfluous to its arithmetic expression (e.g. at the beginning of a row). Similarly, no two operation symbols are next to one another in the same row.
- There are bold lines outlining some areas that we'll call cages.
- Each cage contains (possibly multiple copies of) + or ×, but does not contain both of those.
- Each cage's digits (not concatenated but taken one at a time), combined via + or × (whichever appears in it), yields 24.
- All the −, /, and 1 symbols are placed to get you started, as are two additional symbols.
* This article was originally published here
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