Autogun Heroes lets you battle aliens in an action-packed 3D platformer, now in soft launch on Google Play

Autogun Heroes lets you battle aliens in an action-packed 3D
platformer, now in soft launch on Google Play
Nitro Games has officially announced the soft launch of Autogun Heroes, the studio's 3D action platformer on iOS and Android devices. Players can look forward to battling their way across a world infested by extraterrestrial threats using powerful guns in adrenaline-pumping madcap mayhem. In Autogun Heroes, players can expect to blast away at evil aliens as they unlock new worlds and upgrade their gear along the way. They can also collect new heroes and add them to their team, or boost their weapons and gather perks to power up their tools of destruction. Enemies you encounter along the way will also have their own little quirks and behaviours, so adapting to your foes is key to surviving progressively challenging levels. ... [MORE]

* This article was originally published here


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