The Legend of Tianding, an intense side-scrolling adventure set in ancient Taipei, is now available on iOS

The Legend of Tianding, an intense side-scrolling adventure
set in ancient Taipei, is now available on iOS
Neon Doctrine has finally launched its award-winning side-scroller, The Legend of Tianding on the App Store. Players take on the role of the legendary Taiwanese vigilante, Liao Tianding, as they battle for justice on the streets. In Legend of Tianding, players will embark on a hyper-intense adventure as a folk legend who wreaked havoc in the streets of Taipei. The game is inspired by real events, people, and situations based on the Taiwanese city during the 20th century. Expect to be a sort of Robin Hood who steals from the rich to feed the poor, while avoiding Colonial Japanese authorities at the same time. ... [MORE]

* This article was originally published here


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